Upperhouse Boutique Hotel

Probably the favorite view over Brașov city: the old center revealing in front of us, at the base of Tâmpa Mountain. History again, past and contemporaneity, pieces of style and architecture, people, nature. It’s all here, on the balcony of our room.

UpperHouse, a boutique hotel with chic deco details, quietly located exactly where you can quietly watch the city life happening, has a bohemian air. The architecture of the place blends beautifully with the details and modern accents, materials, textures and the colors of our times. The place is quiet, searching for balance and meaning, out of the fast pace of the noisy city.


We enjoy the most beautiful view, on the small terrace of room 201, among small romantic columns, which remind us of the good times of architecture, art and life. We see here both the snow and the beginning of spring, with a sun that beautifully illuminates the Black Church, the royal tennis courts, the Fortress of Brașov and right next to us the old Weavers’ Bastion. It is as if all the old life of Brașov is magically framed in a single image.


UpperHouse Boutique Hotel offers breakfast in the same bohemian atmosphere, in an elegant, discreet space. The villa is definitely the perfect place to retreat after quietly exploring Brașov, the old city that seems more current than ever: the wonderful Black Church, one of the most representative monuments of Gothic architecture in Romania, The Council Square, The History Museum or the one of the First Romanian School.

Probably the most beautiful area of ​​the boutique villa is the generous terrace on the 1st floor, under which the city reveals beautifully and where summer evenings have the most beautiful sky. And at night, in a completely different light, Brașov seems deeper and more mysterious.


We also enjoy a short trip to some different lands. UpperHouse Boutique doesn’t offer meals but as the city has become a beautiful mix of gastronomic cultures, we visit Trattorian Degusteria, where Andrea, an Italian chef in love with Romania, impeccably cooks everything deliciosus that can be eaten in wonderful Tuscany: pasta, risotto, amazing pastries made by Diana, pastry chef, delicious appetizers and soups. We enjoy the dishes, the unexpected culinary experience, how different and similar we can be in tastes, choices and stories.

  • the beautiful view above the city
  • the architecture of the house
  • the air of a boutique hotel
  • the interior design
  • the attention for details
  • the stillness of the place
  • The architectural styles vary in the city of Brașov, from Romanesque, Gothic, classical, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Art Nouveau, Brâncovenesc, modern;
  • The name of the city of Brașov comes from the local river Bârsa, a name that means a piece of wood, an important part of the plow;
  • According to traditions and chronicles, the beginning of the construction of Brașov took place in 1203;
  • In 1377 begins the construction of St. Mary’s Church, later called the Black Church, after the fire;
  • The first paper mill in south-eastern Europe was established in Brașov (1546), the first book in Romanian was printed by Diaconu Coresi (1559) and the first courses in Romanian were held at the first Romanian School (1583).


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