Who we are

We think we love traveling most of all.

It gives us that sense of belonging without ever being settled. The feeling of being strangers in a world we don’t know, that becomes so close in the end as if it were a part of us from the beginning. All the unknown landscapes that become familiar, the different air we learn to love, the things we discover about ourselves while arriving and leaving. Traveling is about freedom, the changing life, about us in contact with the world we must see, love & cherish before departing. In the end, traveling in our own country means returning home.

We like to call ourselves travelers, not tourists, because we don’t make plans all the time when exploring, we see places through our own lenses, we don’t follow what’s in regarding travel, we like to make connections with people and destinations and we let ourselves changed by the places we see.

We are Alexandra & Răzvan, passionate travelers in Romania. We got to know each other through traveling in Romania, changing ideas, pictures and feelings about these magical lands which we learned how to love.

Even if we came from different fields (journalism and marketing), the passion for traveling in our own country brought us together in the end.

We have created in the last years our own collection of all the places close to our hearts, with images, films, descriptions of the experiences lived in each destination, useful, we believe, for all those who want to discover Romania more deeply than before. Romanian Romance project is in fact a confession of what our souls have enjoyed the most in this wonderful country, of all the places that offer such a vivid and authentic image of Romania.

We choose to promote only the locations that match our expectations, we’ve lived all the experiences we talk about, the photos, videos and impressions are ours. More than this, for Romanian Romance we have our own criteria in selecting the places and experiences: the quality of services, the story behind the place, the attitude towards the guests, the personal signature, the good taste, the involvement in the community.

Through our passion, we promote that different kind of Romanian tourism, the one we all need today and which must grow in Romania as well: Premium Traditional Tourism.

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